Here is J.J.'s song he made up for John.
"Happy Birthday to you.
Your house is a zoo.
Your children are monkeys
And they smell like it too."
Sometimes I'm sure he feels like we live in a zoo right now with everything that is going on, but he is great at accepting it. We have crazy schedules and he does most of the taxiing of the kids. He is a great dad. We had a dinner for him in between his work and volleyball for Danielle and activity days for Mikenna. J.J. made a German chocolate cake - one of his favorites - with vanilla ice cream - of course. We saw him for a total of 4 hours today. What a typical day.
John is a great provider for the family, (a quality that always was of most importance to my dad) a great dad, and an awesome husband that has always given me support in whatever endeavor that I have set my heart on. Like Marjorie Hinkley said "I am very grateful for a husband who always lets me do my own thing. . . . He never insists that I do anything his way, or any way for that matter. From the very beginning he gave me space and let me fly. What a man!" This has always summed up how I felt about our relationship. Thanks for all you do for me and our family.
Happy Birthday John!!!!
We love You!
Happy Birthday Super Man! I heard about the Seniors cranking you. Someone should of been checking their choice of beverages.lol. I love and appericiate all you have done and been to our family, especially to my lil Sis.
Happy Birthday, John! You can add great neighbor to your list as well!
I love JJ's birthday song. That would be so fitting for my home too. It was so fun to see you the other night. Hope all is still going well---school, home, family etc.
Happy Birthday John! Hope you had a good one!!!
Happy Birthday! I love finding new bloggers! The picture of your kids on your title is so good! They all look very grown-up and pretty/handsome.
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