Here is Kaitlyn getting her medallion with me putting it on her.

The leaders also had the mothers choose a flower that represented their daughter and they bought the flower . The mothers then went up and presented them to their daughter and explained why they choose it.I choose a lily for Kaitlyn because it's buds are tight and closed, but as they open they are beautiful. Kaitlyn is shy if you don't know her. When you do know her she is very open and is a beautiful girl. She talks to me about everything and tells me things that her friends can't believe.
I choose a Gerber daisy for Danielle. It was supposed to be hot pink, but they couldn't find a hot pink one. I choose a Gerber daisy because of all of the layers it has. Danielle is very complicated and has many layers to her. You look at her and she looks like a complete girly girl. She is always dressed up. On the other side she is the biggest tomboy. She loves sports, wrestling with her brother, and doesn't care if she gets dirty...as long as her hair doesn't get messed up : )
It was a great evening. The leaders did a great job. I know how much work and effort you guys put into it so thanks. Thanks especially to you leaders for being there for my daughters. I really appreciate it. Oh and there were really yummy treats too.
Oh how I miss YW. Your girls are so beautiful and, of course, my kids love them. I'm so glad to have such great girls for MY girls to look up to!
Congratulations Kaitlyn!!!It is definitely a lot of work to earn your medalllion. You are such a wonderful young women.
congrats Kaitlyn! I never finished my personal progress, but luckily I get a do over being a leader in YW!
do you think that john could email those pics from ywie and any other from that night to dianecuene@cox.net. she's the ward historian and wants pics. she also wants some from the trek. could you ask him to send some of those her way too. thanks, sara
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