December 6th: Winter Formal

Chelsea Davies asked J.J. to Winter Formal and they went with another couple. He agreed to let her pay for the date if he could pay for dinner. He decided to have dinner at our home and had my niece and her roommate cook. They had Italian food and a menu that they could pick from 2 different salads, a choice of 3 entrees, and 4 different desserts. The guys wanted a tour of Italy so they could have a little of everything. There was the best lemon chicken alfredo. Thanks Shalisa and Kia. We moved the living room furniture into the dining room and the dining room table into the kitchen. It turned out really pretty with all of the Christmas lights and candles.

It has been really hard for me to get into the Christmas spirit this year. I have been very melancholy. It has helped going to the parties this weekend. Thanks everyone. I haven't decorated very much at all, which I usually do. I am usually completely done with everything at least a week before Christmas and I am not even close to being done. It hit me at Thanksgiving that this is probably J.J.'s last holidays with us before his mission. I don't know if subconsciously I am postponing it or what, but I am really struggling with it this year. When we think of it, my girls get weepy, I get weepy, and we are a mess. I am trying to bring in the true spirit of Christmas and this has helped.
Going to Sacrament meeting yesterday helped. We had our Christmas program and the Dutton's song really touched me. John had to go to another ward after sacrament and after church, he said that someone's home in another ward in our stake burned down Saturday night. This really brought things into perspective for me. I have my family here and what else matters.
We are late doing some of our traditions because of my school, but we are still doing them. Here is a picture of our gingerbread house. It is usually done a few weeks ago, but we did it last week.

There are 3 days until Christmas and I am barely getting into it, but at least I am.
1 comment:
What a fun dinner idea of JJ's for the winter formal. I understand your saddness when you think about this being JJ's last holiday with you before his mission. And then after his mission it's marriage and a family of his own. I am dreading when that happens with my girls. Just thinking about it makes me sad. Oh well there is nothing we can do about it, our kids get older and so do we. However, you should be very proud because JJ has grown up to be such a great young man. Merry Christmas!
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