Thursday, September 18, 2008

Mikenna's Baptism

I can't believe that Mikenna is old enough to be baptized. What a special day it was. I'm sorry to those that we should have invited. I am horrible at playing the host. I wanted to share with those of you that wanted to come and I didn't invite. Sorry.

I teach Mikenna's primary class and back in February, we had a lesson on baptism. In the lesson it was discussed that you only had to be a priest to baptize, but an elder to confirm. I also told how my brother baptized me and my dad confirmed me. From then on Mikenna wanted J.J. to baptize her and John to confirm her. J.J and Mikenna have a special relationship. There may be ten years difference, but they are buds. He is the only one that can call her "Goose".

On July 19, 2008, Mikenna was baptized by J.J. and confirmed by her dad. It is a special experience for a mother to watch her son baptize her daughter. It's what I like to call a "Mother Payday". There is always a special spirit at baptisms. It was a great day.

We had a little get together at our home afterwards. Thanks to all that came and to those that have said that they would have come if they would have known about it. I'll try to do better in the future.


Cami D. said...

They are the CUTEST buddies...I love it! I am cracking up that he calls her 'Goose'...and that she lets him.

It was a great day, she's adorable!

Rebecca said...

Oh Nae, your blog is really pretty! I can't say I could have come to Mikenna's baptism, but I would have like to. It's nice to see that she and JJ are so close that says a lot about what a good kid he is! Course we know who is responsible for that!It's always to good to see you all! Your kids are so big- you are staying the same:), they are just growing up! I'm glad you liked the quote, I actually first say it in a "Layers Clothing" catalog, but I thought it was great. BTW, Layers has really cute clothes and can have great sales if you aren't already familiar with them!