My first week of student teaching went great. I have really enjoyed the kiddos. I even got a hug from one them. Of course there were the overwhelming moments, the times of what am I doing, but I loved it. I laughed so much with them. It really is true - Kids say the darndest things.
I haven't talked about it much, so I want to now, before I forget how lucky I am. As many of you know I want to go into special education. I was very anxious about doing my student teaching in Apache Junction because I didn't know the district, but I didn't have a choice because AJ helps pay for our faculty adviser so in return we have to student teach out there. They do this in hopes that we will teach out there. We can choose our school we student teach at, but not our teacher, well let me tell you I had divine help getting my placements. My prayers were answered.
My ultimate goal is to work with students with autism so I wanted to get some more experience. I have two classes I will do my teaching in because it is a dual major - special ed and reg. ed. I also want to work with the younger grades or preschool. When I got my letter for my placements it was in a K-3 communication skills class (autism and speech delays) and kindergarten. It couldn't have been better. The communication skills class teacher said that she was not going to take any student teachers, but she did. She is amazing. She knows her stuff and will teach me tons. I am loving it. Granted it has only been one week, but I have laughed so much. These guys have such a funny sense of humor. I have also met and worked with the kindergarten teacher and she is very nice too. I feel very fortunate.
Good Luck! I am sure you will do good and learn a lot.
I'm so excited for you. It's hard to believe that you are already student teaching. It seems like just the other day you were telling me you were starting to go back to school... wow!!! Keep up all the fun times
That is so great. Good for you, going back to school must be so hard. I really admire you. I was a teacher's assistant in an autistic kindergarten class when Trey and I first got married and I loved it.
I'm so happy your situation is so agreeable. That makes such a difference. You will love it and I'm sure you will be so good! I think I'm going to start substituting in the Higley district.
Just saying hi. I visit more now that I have a blog to tell me when everyone has updated. Go Mayham!
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