Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Prom '09

J.J. went to Prom on May 9th.

Not with him...

With her!!!!!

Their group is Rachelle Lee, J.J., Ashley Lindblom, Brady Garrard, Brittanylynn Hipps, and Eric Mullenaux. They had a great time.

The group met early (5 am) and the guys made breakfast for the girls. Then they went to the lake for the day. They came back around 1 pm for the girls to start getting ready. They guys took naps...where's the justice in that?

They guys picked up the girls and met for pictures at 5:30 pm. THANK YOU Shalisa. John was committed to do a wedding so Shalisa stepped in and did a great job of taking pictures.

After pictures they went to dinner at Brady's dad's house. He is a caterer. The dance was at Villa Sienna. After the dance the couples came back to our house for dessert and to watch a movie. I love the fact that all of the girls are modest and the dresses are BEAUTIFUL!!!! They all are incredibly pretty and J.J. said he had a GREAT time.


Jess ♥'s Joel said...

Those dresses are amazing! ♥ them. And I love that his date was wearing flip flops!
BTW- Brook is dying to Mikenna come over for a play date! We will keep trying.

Sarah Pace said...

I love how the pictures turned out!! what a cute date JJ had!! How fun!

Markelle said... I want to go to prom again! everyone really did look awesome, and tell shalisa I love the pics she took. especially the third one.

Cami D. said...

JJ and Rachelle are adorable. There I said it. True story!